How much does it cost?

Chile is not as cheap as it used to be, but it is still possible to stay and play relatively cheaply, as long as you know where to go. Here is a list of updated prices for common activities and attractions in Chile, as well as transport, accommodation, and other necessities.

We suggest using an exchange rate of US$1=750, which is the approximate average over the last 5 years, but check prior to travel. Keep in mind that prices in Chile can vary greatly between cities, and even suburbs, and that although we endevour to maintain up-to-date information, things can change at short notice. If you have any feedback, please let us know.

All prices below are in Chilean pesos (CLP):







Metro (Santiago)|520-630**

Public Bus (Santiago)|550**

Public Bus (Concepcion)|380**

Airport transfer - taxi (Santiago)|10.000-15.000**

Train Santiago-Chillan|7.000**

Flight Santiago-Temuco (return)|50.000-120.000**

Food & Drink

Bottled water|350**

Chilean wine 750ml (supermarket)|1.000-10.000**

Chilean wine 750ml (restaurant)|5.000-25.000**

Completo (hot dog)|500-1.000**


Lunch (set menu)|2.000-4.000**

Standard restaurant (per head)|5.000-15.000**

Fine dining (per head)|15.000-50.000**